time for someone to quit 意味

  • (人)が~をやめる潮時{しおどき}


        time to quit:    引き際 There is a time to quit and a time to fight.
        a good time to quit:    a good time to quit 退き時 ひきどき
        quit smoking for the umpteenth time:    (数えきれないくらい何度{なんど}も禁煙{きんえん}して)また禁煙{きんえん}する
        amid calls for someone to quit:    (人)の辞職{じしょく}が求められる[叫ばれる]中で
        calls for someone to quit:    (人)に辞任{じにん}を求める声
        make someone quit smoking:    (人)に禁煙{きんえん}させる
        persuade someone to quit smoking:    (人)を説得{せっとく}して[説き伏せて]禁煙{きんえん}させる
        firmly advise someone to quit smoking:    (人)に強く禁煙{きんえん}を勧める
        leading reason for someone to quit work:    (人)が仕事{しごと}を辞める一番{いちばん}[最大{さいだい}]の理由{りゆう}
        quit:     1quit v. 捨てる, やめる; 《文語》 去る. 【+前置詞】 He quitted Paris at midnight . 《文語》 真夜中にパリを去った quit in protest 抗議して仕事をやめる Don't quit on me now. We've come so far together. ここでぼくを見捨てるなよ, これまで
        quit for:    《be ~》~だけで済む、~だけで免れる
        quit it:    〈米俗〉死ぬ
        quit of:    ~から免れる、~を免れる、やめる
        quit on:    ~を見捨てる{みすてる}、~をあきらめる◆【同】give up on Don't quit on me. 私を見捨てないで。
        make a decision on whether someone should quit the party:    (人)が離党{りとう}すべきかの判断{はんだん}を下す


  1. "time for playing, not" 意味
  2. "time for recess" 意味
  3. "time for recovery of expressway construction cost" 意味
  4. "time for response" 意味
  5. "time for someone to move to another location" 意味
  6. "time for speech" 意味
  7. "time for tea" 意味
  8. "time for the click of the shutter" 意味
  9. "time for the stars" 意味
  10. "time for response" 意味
  11. "time for someone to move to another location" 意味
  12. "time for speech" 意味
  13. "time for tea" 意味

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